4 Essential Attitudes for Success in Business:

Starting out in business can be a scary prospect, but with the right attitude, support and mentoring, big things can happen. In fact, Goldgenie is celebrating good news from another of our fantastic business opportunity owners: 33 year old Collette Registe, whose story is truly inspiring.
A single mum to a teenage son and two young daughters, finding the right balance for her children was difficult for hard-working Collette. Ideally, she needed work that could fit around family life; but in her existing role as a bridal dresser, she found herself taken advantage of; forced to work extra hours.
Now in her second year of successful trading as a Goldgenie business owner, she runs her own luxury customisation and gold plating business, Coat of Gold, from her home.
How did she do it?
By applying 4 Essential Attitudes for Success in Business:
1. Courage
Setting up a new business involves risk: there’s just no way around that, and half of all new businesses fold within the first year. Collette says: “You hear so much about new businesses failing and in the past it put me off trying.”
But one day, while watching Dragon’s Den and seeing Goldgenie CEO Laban Roomes pitch and win backing from dragon James Caan, the spark was lit. It wasn’t long before she was on the phone, taking the first steps to make her dream a reality.
Here at Goldgenie, we mentor and support all our business opportunity owners and we take a “real world” approach to overcoming fear. Yes, you will be a bit scared when you first start out, so don’t try to wait until the fear has gone before you make the first leap, or you will be waiting forever. As one famous motivational teacher says: “Feel the fear and do it anyway.”
2. Initiative
Watching Laban Roomes on Dragon’s Den sparked ideas in Collette that day. She says: “I started thinking about all the different items that could be customised with precious stones or gold-plated. I was so inspired about the business opportunities there could be in this.” Raising the money to invest in her Goldgenie start-up package, Collette got going.
3. An ability to capitalise on your challenges
Collette was afraid the odds were stacked against her as a woman. She says: “I’d always thought it was really just men who could achieve success as entrepreneurs.”
While untrue, this worry is understandable. In fact recent figures from the Enterprise Research Centre indicate that women represent only 20% of Britons in enterprise.
Did Collette let this stop her? Absolutely not! Instead, she thought about what her lifestyle and position as a woman working in a bridal shop could bring to her new business. She actually started taking Goldgenie customisation into new arenas!
Collette began selling everything from gold-plated high heels, to crystal encrusted baby bottles from the bridal shop she was working in. What initially looked like a difficulty became an asset to be capitalised on.
4. Determination
Now into a successful second year of business, Collette has had to leave her job in the shop to keep up with the demand for her beautiful bespoke items. She has more time with her children and greater financial security. She simply never gave up.
She says: “I always dreamed of running my own business. Taking the leap isn’t easy, but it’s a lot simpler than I expected, with all the support you get from Goldgenie. I’m so happy now. If you’re thinking of doing it, my advice would be to go for it. If I can do it, anyone can.”
Goldgenie provides business opportunities for people with the right combination of drive and initiative. No qualifications are needed. Start-up packages cost £2,937 and include training, support, and a portable crystallisation and gold plating kit, as well as sufficient gold to earn back your initial investment.
To take your big leap into business success, contact Goldgenie on 0845 463 8973 (international 00442088046200) or email marcus@localhost to find out more.