Business Opportunity

Gold Plating Services at Lexus (video)

A new documentary on how people and companies grow rich is due to be launched early 2017 featuring Goldgenie.

Goldgenie Founded by Laban Roomes in 1995 is a premier gold plating brand that has over the years developed a unique range of services and luxury products for the upward aspiring individuals, celebrities, corporates and the hotel and mobile phone industry.


Lexus plating

Gold plating on site as we are doing in this video at Lexus was the cornerstone of our business for many years and developed by our company in the mid-nineties.

Goldgenie are credited for setting up 100’s of portable mobile operators around the world in their own businesses with some making very lucrative weekly earnings working either full or part time – for more information on the Goldgenie business system and how this can potentially change your life for the better please check out or gold plating opportunity page here:

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