Golden Memories of the King of Pop

Exactly a year ago today Michael Jackson, one of the greatest entertainers of all time, was laid to rest at the Forest Lawn Cemetery in Glendale, California. Not a pleasant topic but we all need to plan for the inevitable end. With that in mind, when the time comes for me to leave this wonderful planet we know as earth, I want to be lowered into my final resting place in this:
You may recognise it, the late and great Michael Jackson was buried in the same type of coffin. It’s so regal, I can’t imagine not being comfortable here. James Brown was also buried in the same model I believe. Made of solid brass, plated in 14 carat gold and polished to a mirror finish, it costs $25,000 (£16,000). Note to the Batesville Casket Company, I want the interior of my coffin to be purple, red or fuchsia velour. It is either this casket or I want to be cremated with my ashes placed in a golden vase adorned with crystals. Something similar to this will do:
A few minor improvements would need to be made, gold plating, the addition of diamonds perhaps. To my knowledge there is no rule that says there can be no glamour in death! Can you believe that after a quick search online, I found the largest selection of nice cremation boxes on a website for dogs??? I kid you not! Winnie, my niece’s dog will be pleased to learn of this, I’m sure:
The official name for a vase for ashes is an ‘Urn’ (I didn’t actually know that until I ended up on the dog site). If I opted for the urn, it would be nice if it was displayed at the Tower of London preferably alongside the crown jewels. The sign beneath my golden urn should read:
The ashes of Bloggess.
Simple. I also came across this brass book urn:
It’s gorgeous! If you don’t like someone and you want to let them know, buy them an urn as a gift. Nothing says “I hate you and I wish you were dead” better than an urn. This just needs to be gold plated and then it would be in league of its own! No need to guess what the dress code for the celebration of my life will be. That’s right, you guessed it; fabulous and glamorous a reflection of Love, Life & Luxury! I need an assistant to help deal with some of my plans, getting the monarchy to agree to my ashes being displayed in the Tower might not be so easy. Light bulb moment! A glass urn so all my loyal subjects can actually see me even when I am no longer here! I can’t pat myself on the back hard enough.
So a musical genius has left us, but Michael Jackson left behind contributions to the world of music and entertainment that will never be forgotten. One of my favourite MJ videos was Remember The Time – the Egyptian theme, choreography, visual effects and use of gold was 110% on flames. Reminisce with me.
Love, Life & Luxury! Follow me on Twitter: @AllThingzNice