The Apprentice. Success and The entrepreneurial Spirit.

Inspired by Tim Campbell when he won the apprentice in May 2005 and before I dared to go on to the Dragons Den, I began to consider my own business experience and success to date alongside countless fellow entrepreneurial individuals and business persons that of course no-one had ever heard of, as they were not in the public eye and chose to run their businesses incognito.
I can remember Vanessa Feltz talking on the radio about who and where this countries black entrepreneurs were and put a message out live on air asking these persons to get in touch with her, at the time I was driving along in Hampstead just leaving my sister’s home and called the number she gave out to stand up and be counted!
Vanessa invited me into the studio and there commenced a 1 hour slot where I spoke from the Studio about the mass of unknown black entrepreneurial people living and conducting business in the U.K that were doing very well in terms of setting up and selling companies they had formed, drawing six figure salaries from their enterprises and owning substantial investments and portfolios through good old hustle, bustle and faking it till you make it characteristics who intentionally or not remained off or rather below the radar going about their daily business.
I suppose it annoyed me somewhat to see the personalities that appear on the likes of Apprentice and Dragons Den (which of course helped me tremendously putting my business on the map) being looked at as the best that Britain has to offer knowing full well the real talent of this world are quietly creating industry locally and globally, making small fortunes but more importantly changing the way we work but none the less going about their daily routines as faceless members of our society not requiring public praise or commendations for their achievements.
Tim Campbell in my mind is in no doubt the one that seems to have gone on to make an impact in the business world getting funding from the government for his Bright ideas programme and of course receiving an MBE but was this a natural course for him or was winning The Apprentice the spring board and catalyst needed for him to go on and make a name for himself in the business world?
There is a school of thought that there are two kinds of entrepreneur, 1. is a worker or employee at heart gets laid off or so happens to inherit the business or something similar, in effect is forced by circumstances to become entrepreneurial. 2. Knows from a very early age that working for someone else is not for him/her and makes a decision a choice, to work for himself. Which one if any are you?
One thing for sure, the road you set upon when you decide to take your destiny into your own hands by becoming a business person or entrepreneur can be one of the most fulfilling and spiritually maturing steps if taken with the right attitude and knowledge that only in exerting oneself mentally, spiritually and physically can we really reach excellence and find our own financial security, especially in the world we live today where financial or any type of security for that matter has become a phrase word of the past.
The Goldgenie business opportunity changing the way people live and work.