The Worlds Most Craziest Customized Phone Cases

With the launch of the new iPhone 5s now far behind us and new models not being released until later on this year, I thought today might be a good time to write an article detailing some of the coolest personalization ideas for your smart-device. Being as you’ll have to wait at least six months to impress your friends with a new model, customizing the one you have could be the best way of getting attention and once again becoming the envy of those around you. Don’t get me wrong, you could obviously think of some appealing ways to alter the appearance of your phone using DIY techniques, but this post will focus on those already available on today’s market.
So, if you want to learn about some the world’s most craziest customized phone cases, take a few moments to read through the information underneath this paragraph, and I’m almost certain you’ll find something that tickles your fancy. At the end of the day, how wacky you can go will depend on your own personality and the depth of your pockets. Still, all the cases I’m about to list are undeniably fantastic.
The Gold Plated Case
This is by far one of the most popular options available at the moment, and thanks to the hard work of specialists like Goldgenie, it’s actually much cheaper than you might imagine. Getting your iphone plated, or buying a plated case can be a brilliant way of ensuring people know you’re someone important. In fact, you can even have words engraved in the gold to make it look extra luxurious. Admittedly, you’ll need to consider extra security measures if you increase the value of your phone significantly, but the price of insurance has come down significantly in recent times.
The Shell Covered Case
One day, a man was walking along a beach with his phone in his hand. After stopping to gaze at the never-ending pool of water out in front of him, the gent looked down towards his feet and noticed an array of differently sized shells. Most of us would have carried on walking. Not this guy, he had a brainwave – hence the shell-covered phone cases you can now buy online. They obviously look a little odd, and probably could damage your phone in some circumstances, but if we’re talking crazy – this is it.
The Etch A Sketch Case
Some of you will have seen these on sale at your local marketplaces, as they’ve actually become very popular due to mass production. If you lived during the 80s and 90s, you’ll remember Etch A Sketch as being one of the coolest toys around. Well, thanks to the cool cases now available, you’re able to turn your phone into a bright red, white knobbed drawing machine from the past. Very smart, but very crazy!
Of course, if you fancied doing something really different, you could always opt to have your phone plated half in gold, and half in chrome like in the picture above. Personally, I happen to think this looks a little silly but you’re obviously free to do as you wish.